Monthly Events & Bookings

A functional hall set in the middle of the village. One large hall with a stage and a smaller meeting room are available to hire.

A band on the stage of the village hall surrounded by bunting and union jack flags
Group of artists at a table

Fraddon Village Hall Events

The Hall is very popular and used regularly by a variety of Organisations.

The Monthly Diary below shows when the Hall is in regular use and the organisations using it. The rooms are available to use at other times but ad hoc bbokings are not shown here. Please contact the hall if you would like to hire a room.

If you contact any of the groups please tell them you found them through the Fraddon Village Hall website.

Weekly Events (full calendar below)
Day Time Event
Monday 10:00 Foundation Indoor Athletics
18:00 Zumba with Sue
19:30 Trevone Scottish Country Dance
Tuesday 9:45 Tiny Toes Ballet
15:45 Tiny Toes Ballet
Wednesday 19:30 Modern Sequence Dance
Thursday 12:00 Mavericks Line Dance
18:00 Zumba with Sue
Friday 7:15 Slimming World
9:15 Slimming World
14:00 Fraddon Art Group
19:30 Cash Bingo
Saturday 19:30 Prize Bingo
Fraddon Art Club meet on Fridays

Fraddon Art Club

We meet on Fridays at 2 pm. All are welcome, whether new to painting, all abilities. We are a happy, friendly group, with varying or no abilities. £3 per session, payable in cash on each day. Equipment provided. Tea and coffee break.
Ring Sheila on 01726 869179 for more information.

Fraddon Wado Ryu

Although we allow ages 10 to 12 to train for the first hour we now have enough students in this age group but there are plenty of spaces for ages 13 plus who train for the full 2 hours. We have a Facebook page Fraddon Wado Ryu and a website You can also call us on 07846 236999

Wado Ryu Karate poster
The Trevone Scottish Dancers

Trevone Scottish Country Dancers

Fun, Fitness and Friendship on Monday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm. £3 a session.

Scottish Country Dancing is a great way to increase your fitness levels and stamina. It is an excellent cardiovascular workout moving to wonderful music. As a weight-bearing exercise it can increase flexibility and strengthen bones too.

We are a mixed ability, friendly group and always welcome new dancers to join us. Come and try a new and fun way of getting and keeping fit. You do not need to come with a partner, just a bit of enthusiasm to have a go! Wear soft shoes and comfortable clothes that will allow you to move and do not forget a water bottle.

The evenings are taken by Ros McLaughlin who is a qualified RSCDS Scottish Country Dance Teacher. For more information call Ros on 07999543078 or email or just turn up on a Monday evening.

For more information about other Scottish Country Dancing events and groups in Cornwall follow our link to Scottish Country Dancing in Cornwall. For information on national & international events check out the The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society


Foundation Indoor Athletics

Foundations has been created so that home educated children have an opportunity to learn the basics of athletics in a fun, relaxed environment with an opportunity to meet new friends. Classes are £5 for ages 6-11 and will run for 45 mins, consisting of games and learning basic new skills. Class sizes are kept relatively small so that shy/anxious children will feel comfortable coming along to the session. 07511 821629 or email for more information.

Fraddon Village Hall - What's on October 2024
Day Date Time Event
Tuesday1st09:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday1st15:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday1st18:00Pantomime Prep
Wednesday2nd09:00PD Nurses Green Room
Wednesday2nd16:30Brandon Trust
Wednesday2nd19:30Modern Sequence Dance
Thursday3rd10:00Trelyn Quilters
Thursday3rd18:00Zumba with Sue
Thursday3rd19:00Karate with James
Friday4th07:15Slimming World with Chrissy
Friday4th09:15Slimming World with Chrissy
Friday4th14:00Art Club
Friday4th19:30Cash Bingo
Saturday5th19:30Prize Bingo
Sunday6thPantomime PrepPantomime Prep
Monday7th10:00Indoor Athletics with Chole
Monday7th18:00Zumba with Sue
Monday7th19:30Scottish Country Dance
Tuesday8th09:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday8th15:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday8th18:00Pantomime Prep
Wednesday9th09:00 - 12:30Youth Justice Meeting
Wednesday9th14:00 - 15:00Diabetes Prevention Meeting
Wednesday9th16:30 - 18:30Brandon Trust
Wednesday9th19:30Modern Sequence Dance
Thursday10th12:00Line Dance with the Mavericks
Thursday10th18:00Zumba with Sue
Friday11th07:15Slimming World
Friday11th09:15Slimming World
Friday11th14:00Art Club
Friday11th19:30Cash Bingo
Sunday13thPantomime PrepPantomime Prep
Monday14th10:00Indoor Athletics with Chole
Monday14th18:00Zumba with Sue
Monday14th19:30Scottish Country Dance
Tuesday15th09:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday15th15:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday15th18:00Pantomime Prep
Wednesday16th16:30 - 18:30Brandon Trust
Wednesday16th19:30Modern Sequence Dance
Thursday17th12:00Line Dance with the Mavericks
Friday18th07:15Slimming World with Chrissy
Friday18th09:15Slimming World with Chrissy
Friday18th14:00Art Club
Friday18th19:30Cash Bingo
Saturday19thSPECIAL PRIZE BINGO AT ST BLAZEYNo Bingo at Fraddon
Sunday20thPantomime PrepPantomime Prep
Monday21st10:00Indoor Athletics with Chole
Tuesday22nd09:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday22nd15:45Tiny Toes Ballet
Tuesday22nd19:00Pantomime Green Room
Wednesday23rd10:00 - 12:30GTY Meeting CC
Thursday24th09:00Dressmakers Green Room